How Pre-Natal & Post-Natal Nurses Can Help You As A New Mother

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Giving birth can be a life-changing experience for women. As they embark on the journey of motherhood, however, they may face overwhelming challenges in determining how to better care for their babies. With this, prenatal and postnatal nurses can be extremely helpful in navigating their path as a good parent.

The Role of Nurses During Pregnancy

According to experts, it is vital for women to receive health care both before and during the gestation period to avoid pregnancy complications, which may range from urinary tract infections, hypertension, and weight gain to mental health issues.

Prenatal nurses work closely with new mothers and their partners throughout their pregnancy. They use their educational background and medical license to assist them in maintaining their health, ensuring the well-being of their unborn child, and creating a healthy environment for both the mother and the baby. They assist in the implementation of healthy habits and the identification of potential health issues that may exist before, during, and after pregnancy as they intervene as early as pregnancy complications appear.

Benefits of Prenatal Nursing

  • Developmental Assessment

Prenatal nurses can help new mothers assess the growth and development of the fetus continually, allowing them to see possible complications as early as possible. This will avoid birth problems and help new mothers immediately address issues that may affect their delivery.

  • Healthcare

Regularly engaging in prenatal care with nurses allows new mothers and their babies to stay healthy. They will be given expert advice as to proper diet practices, weight management, cessation of alcohol and tobacco use, as well as the proper vitamin and folic acid intake – all to ensure that they remain in excellent condition throughout the gestation period.

Postpartum Care: The Role of Nurses

Postpartum recovery lasts from the time of birth until about six to eight weeks later. This is a time of physiologic and psychological changes for new mothers, as their bodies and minds rejuvenate. They may experience involution, exfoliation, and intermittent uterine contractions, along with positive attachment, malattachment, or postpartum depression, a condition that occurs in 8-15% of women after delivery.

During this period of time, postnatal nurses help new mothers care for themselves and their babies. They make sure that both are in good condition until they are discharged through constant monitoring that allows them to determine whether the baby is thriving and the mother is recovering.

How Postnatal Nursing is Advantageous

  • Care Instructions

With their educational background and RN licenses, postnatal nurses can help new mothers care for their babies better by instructing them how to bathe themselves and their babies, how to change and feed them, along with caring for the umbilical cord. They can also help in establishing breastfeeding relationships, allowing mothers and babies to set up a loving bond.

  • Keep Track of Mother and Baby Health

Considering that pregnancy complications may arise after delivery, postnatal nurses regularly assess the vital signs of both the mother and the baby to see possible physical and mental health issues and address them before they become adverse. Some even offer home nursing services to ensure the recovery and thriving of the mother and the baby, respectively, even after hospital discharge.

New to Motherhood? Get the Help You Need.

Navigating the journey of motherhood is a fulfilling experience that involves many changes in the mind, body, and the overall life of women. With the help of prenatal and postnatal nurses, they can give the best care both for themselves and their babies.

For babycare in Dubai, reach out to Alleanza Group for more information.

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